What we offer

Managed Keys

Managed Keys is a modern software based solution for certificate lifecycle management which automatically provide you with compliance metrics related to the keys in use in your organization. Some highlighted features/benefits below

Overview and Control

Ensure compliance and get complete overview and control over all keys/certificates across teams, platforms, products and applications.

Automatic and correct

Timely, automatic and correct renewal, distribution (internally or between B2B partners) and installation in any application, product or platform


Realtime and accurate overview of key usage and their inter-dependencies. Not only internal keys but also keys exchanged with business partners

Any key/certificate

Secure management of X.509, PGP, SSH, API keys used for SSL, message encryption & signature, cloud services, code signing, secure B2B web services etc

Cloud Applications

Manage your certificates acros on-premises and cloud based workloads in a consistent way using our specific agents for public cloud vendors

Compliance Monitoring

Continously verify correct key usage and compliance with company policies. Identify unknown keys and alert any discrepancy to operations staff

Support for any platform, middleware or application

Managed Keys hides complexities and integrates directly with your existing infrastructure.


Each Microsoft platform and product has different approaches to renewing and installing certificates. Managed Keys hides all this complexity and manages all keys in an uniform way to ensure higher uptime and better security. Managed Keys also supplements Active Directory certificate services by bridging the gaps and extending the range of Microsofts certificate services.


In SAP landscapes there are multiple key stores, systems are typically managed by multiple teams and keys are often used in B2B scenarios where a public key needs to be shared between multiple organizations.
Managed Keys runs as an integrated part of SAP NetWeaver and hides complexities in cross-team, cross-organizational, time-syncronized key renewals.


Often keys & certificates need to be installed in specialized appliances for SSL acceleration, load balancing, remote access solutions (VPN, VDI etc.), WiFi access points etc. Managed Keys takes care of entire process from internal or external order to installation in the specific format of the certificate, key and chain that each appliance requires.
